House Plants

Houseplants are plants grown indoors in places like homes and offices. They are grown for their aesthetic value, positive effects on indoor air quality, and psychological benefits. Houseplants add warming colors, textures, and a sense of life to living spaces.

Origin of House Plants

House plants can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The idea of cultivating plants indoors was born out of necessity in regions with harsh climates or limited access to outdoor greenery. Early examples include the Chinese practice of growing bonsai trees and the creation of hanging gardens in Babylon around 600 BCE. The concept of house plants further developed in Europe during the Victorian era, with the emergence of terrariums, glasshouses, and the cultivation of ornamental foliage and exotic plants. This era marked the transition of house plants from a functional necessity to a symbol of wealth and status.


Tradescantia is a genus of over 60 species of herbaceous perennial plants that have become a popular choice for houseplants. With their diversity of leaf shapes, colors, and growth habits, Tradescantia are versatile and easy to care for indoors. Tradescantia are accustomed to warm conditions with indirect sunlight. This makes them perfectly adapted to thrive as houseplants. 

Checkout our Tradescantia Resource Guides.

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